torsdag 10 mars 2011


365autohits is (as some of You might have guessed) an autosurf traffic exchange. Surf ratio is 5:3. It uses an 30 seconds timer. 5 Websites, 5 Banners and 5 textlinks. Rotators are allowed. 365autohits is also open for non english language sites.


torsdag 3 mars 2011

Barbarian Hits

Barbarian Hits is a strictly manual traffic exchange and uses dynamic surf ratios. The more you use the system, the more ratio will increase. You can either use the system for a 3:1 ratio, a 5:2 ratio or a 2:1 ratio. This all depends on how much you use Barbarian Hits. It uses an 8 seconds timer. Websites, Banners and textlinks. Rotators are allowed. Now and then surfing is interupted by some small games where You can win site hits, banner impressions or textlink impressions.

Barbarian Hits