söndag 16 februari 2020


I found a link to TwistRix on a page called Free Website Traffic, and it was listed as Nr. 6 of 9 under the headline "Top Autosurf Traffic Exchanges 2018". Well it was listed as TristRix, but I suppose that was just a typo.

Since the other eight listed were all major, well established autosurfs and Twistrix was the only one I didn't know anything about I decided to sign up and try it out.

My first impression, when landing on twistrix.hlg.io was that it looked solid but generic. copyright notice at the bottom read 2007-2020, so I guess the've been around for a while.

When I signed up the form for some reason placed me in Australia. This has happened a couple of times lately. Maybe the script originates from Australia and it's set as default. I don't know. The confirmation mail arrived within seconds and I was greeted by name when I signed in to my account. Only it wasn't my name. It turned out it was the username of my referrer. No big deal really, but for a short while I was tempted to change my username to something naughty so the program could greet anyone signing up under me in a more "funny" way. I managed to refrain from doing that though.

Inside the members area, there isn't really that much to see. The Exchange has a 15 second timer and You get credited 0,8 credits per view. This is for Free members and it doesn't look like You can upgrade your membership, but You can pay for additional credits. You can add 3 websites, 3 banners and also textads (whitch I didn't try out, since it was the sort with one short line of text, and I don't really like them or think they're any good. The sites are auto approved, which is good since I usually loose interest if my sites aren't approved within 24 hours. Also URL rotators are allowed which I also think is good. Some exchanges doesn't allow them since it's difficult controlling what users put in them, but also because they want to sell upgrades to add more sites instead of letting You add sites to a rotator.

"Affiliate Toolbox" is just a referral link and if You want banners or splash pages You'll have to make Your own. The down line builder is empty as well.

When I surfed it I got the same 10 or so sites over and over again. This usually happens at new exchanges where not many people have signed up yet, or at exchanges where most users have lost interest and nobody has any credits left. Two of the sites were for manual traffic exchanges and none of them loaded. Most of the banners in the surf frame wouldn't load either. These to are signs of an exchange slowly dieing, but there might still be some hope. I'll keep surfing TwistRix for some time to see if things gets better of worse. They definitely need more active users though.

Long time no see ...

So I found my old blog where I wrote about traffic exchanges and such. Last entry was 2014, and I guess a lot has happened since. I had to devote my time and energy to other stuff and sort of forgot about this blog.

Well, I've been back for some time surfing the exchanges and now and then I've been thinking about this blog, but I thought it was long gone, until I found it.

Most of the exchanges I wrote about seems to be gone though, which I think is sad in a way, but there are new ones out there so  my plan is to start all over again where I left off.

At first I figured I'd erase the old posts and start from scratch, but now I think I'll just clean away all the broken links and missing images and let the actual posts stay. The broken images are banners I linked directly from the exchanges and as they went offline the banners did to. I had copys of those banners on my harddrive at the time, but unfortunately that harddrive and everything that was on it disappeared many years ago.

But it will have to wait until tomorrow - right now I have a traffic wave to catch.

/Gone Surfin'!